Jude goes to church


Jude and Kelly


Emily with Jude

I’m a little behind in posting, but I assume you all will be giving me a pass considering I’ve been a little busy tending to the tiniest, neediest person I’ve ever met.  Seriously, Kevin and I are amazed how someone so tiny can be so loud and can rule our world so much at the moment.  But actually, we’ve been finally getting a routine going, and life is much better for us and Jude.  Anyway, where was I?  Oh yeah, it’s a little late in posting, but a week and a half ago, we took Jude to church for the first time.  Let’s just say it didn’t go too well.  We hadn’t gotten his schedule figured out yet and he slept when he wasn’t supposed to sleep, woke up and fussed when he was supposed to be sleeping, and was all around cranky through all of our Sunday School class.  But the college group loved him just the same.  They voted unanimously that we’ll keep him.  I concur!


The college group votes to keep Jude

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