
I just heard back from my doctor that tests have shown that my cancer (melanoma) has spread to 1 lymph node in my neck. So the next steps will be another surgery to remove it, and a PET Scan, and likely alpha-interferon treatments.   

Not the news we were hoping for obviously, but somewhat expected based on the initial staging / diagnosis. But we are blessed in many ways!  My boss has been super-supportive in giving me time off for doctor appointments, our church family has been praying and babysitting for us (thanks Jess!), and our extended family (Lila) was here for a long while babysitting, and getting our new home in order.  We are also extremely blessed that I am receiving excellent care from a leading research institution out here in Altanta Emory / Winship, and a family member has even paid our insurance deductible for a full year!  Thanks everyone for the outpouring of love and support for Rachel and I in this time.

4 thoughts on “Update

  1. We will always be here for you, even if we can not be there in person at times, you are always in our thoughts and prayers. I pray that the Lord uses the skilled doctors hands to clear it all away!

  2. Kevin and Rachel: Thank you for the update. Sounds likeyou have a way to go but I am confident with God’s help andthe support of family and friends your journey will be blessed.With love and prayer.

  3. hey you guys!just wanted to say hi from all of us in austin- we’re keeping up and are grateful for your facebook and blog posts so we can stay in the loop. we’re thining of you guys and sending big love and prayers. we just went through a round of cancer with a very dear friend who had to have most of the lymph nodes removed from his neck- it was quite scary but the great news is that he’s a year out and totally cancer free! anyway, i know you have ample resources and unc hal is all over it, but my friend Liz is now a powerhouse of info on head and neck cancer and also helping kids understand what’s going on (although i’m sure your two are too young to really be aware of what’s going on…)love-kathie, matt, ramona and arlo

  4. It always seems when everything is going well , something will come along to mess it up. I am so sorry you are going threw this. I will keep you in my prayers. Love to all of you.Linda Musgrave

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